Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Faithfulness Taking It To A New Level by Henry Jaegers - Testimonial Tuesday

Faithfulness Taking It To A New Level 
by Henry Jaegers

Several years ago while putting forth a bible study on the book of Revelation, I had a revelation (so to speak). While studying chapter 14, the message of faithfulness hit me hard and while writing, I recommitted my life to become a faithful Christian. This experience caused me to change the title of my studies to “The Reward of Faithfulness”. This has started an avalanche of new experiences in my life related to my own past failures.

I  thought that making “being faithful” my goal would be a great start, but I did not foresee the difficulties I would encounter by doing this. Being faithful is not something I plan to do someday when after my T.V. breaks down or I am too feeble to do anything else. Being faithful is not something I plan to be, it is something that is happening now. Being Faithful to Christ affects how I study the scriptures, and how much time I spend in God’s presence every day. It affects what I allow my eyes to see, what I allow my ears to hear and the speech my tongue utters.

When I talk to people about being faithful I get the impression that I am speaking in an unknown tongue. Perhaps they think being Faithful means not to depart from the faith and being faithful to the church program .I am discovering different areas of my life that needs to be changed on a regular basis.

Just recently I determined that I would try harder to do something about my weight. This year my cholesterol level has increased significantly that I need to make some changes, I thought that increasing my exercise to five and seven days a week would help. I went back to the Dr. two weeks ago and he decided that I need to go on medication. This was a wake up call to me. I needed to take serious action. I needed to lose the weight but was unsuccessful in my attempt.

I have not applied this matter of faithfulness to my general health. Before I take the medicine, I decided to tackle this matter of faithfulness on a spiritual level. In the past ten days I have lost eight pounds and it has been easier than any weight loss program .I decided to trust God in this matter of what I allow myself to eat. I have experienced new areas of overcoming temptation that have defeated me before. Always, it was the fleshly side of me struggling to win. Just recently, the still small voice spoke ever so gently to my soul and said “Just trust me.” Can it be that easy? I am finding out what the ten spies failed to understand.. I am strong only in the presence of God’s strength. People who know me know also that I have a history of failure. With God’s help I can win this battle and just imagine the testimony and opportunities that exist to help others at work who do not know and understand the power of God.

The reward of Faithfulness is immeasurable. Who knows what God will do, when I allow being faithful to work out His new work in me. I don’t need to worry about how God is working in others. What is important is what new changes is He accomplishing in me?

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