Is your life like a roller coaster -- a never ending ride of
ups and downs with a few sharp turns now and then? When you left home to embark
on living your own life, were you prepared for such a tumultuous experience?
Yet, if you could go back in time and had the ability to change your destiny,
would you?
How many of us wish we had a life "do over"? Oh, some of you would say you are happy at this point in your life, and, as believers, you may quote how we are commanded to be content in whatsoever state we find ourselves.
Still, haven't you ever wondered where you would be if you had the ability to choose your own destiny? I have, and, I must admit, it's scary. I have often wondered, "What if?" And then there are the "could've, should've, would've" possibilities that run through my mind. I know. I live dangerously because entertaining such thoughts border on the edge of plain fiction or total lunacy.
Well, call me crazy for being human and nonsensical. But my wandering mind has never steered me wrong. It has always led me back to the most sensible and logical conclusion: my destiny is not a destination but a person, Jesus Christ. My rambling thoughts have helped me to see how God does not live in our "what ifs." Nor does He live in our "could'ves, would'ves, should'ves." He lives in our here and now, always drawing us closer so we can experience a more intimate relationship with Him.

You see, I'm glad God never gave us the power to chart our own course. I'm glad He wraps our life's journey in a mystery which forces us to place our trust in Him. I'm glad He knows the end from the beginning and only reveals what He has to at just the right moment.
So no, I don't want a life "do over." The only power God has given me is what I do with each day and whom I will serve. In reality, isn't that what our destiny is all about anyway?
How many of us wish we had a life "do over"? Oh, some of you would say you are happy at this point in your life, and, as believers, you may quote how we are commanded to be content in whatsoever state we find ourselves.
Still, haven't you ever wondered where you would be if you had the ability to choose your own destiny? I have, and, I must admit, it's scary. I have often wondered, "What if?" And then there are the "could've, should've, would've" possibilities that run through my mind. I know. I live dangerously because entertaining such thoughts border on the edge of plain fiction or total lunacy.
Well, call me crazy for being human and nonsensical. But my wandering mind has never steered me wrong. It has always led me back to the most sensible and logical conclusion: my destiny is not a destination but a person, Jesus Christ. My rambling thoughts have helped me to see how God does not live in our "what ifs." Nor does He live in our "could'ves, would'ves, should'ves." He lives in our here and now, always drawing us closer so we can experience a more intimate relationship with Him.

You see, I'm glad God never gave us the power to chart our own course. I'm glad He wraps our life's journey in a mystery which forces us to place our trust in Him. I'm glad He knows the end from the beginning and only reveals what He has to at just the right moment.
So no, I don't want a life "do over." The only power God has given me is what I do with each day and whom I will serve. In reality, isn't that what our destiny is all about anyway?
Copyright 2012 by Bob Valleau. Bob has over 25 years of writing experience for the Christian market. He was once named Christian Writer of the Year by the American Christian Writers Association. Currently, he freelances and lives in Texas.
Article Source: WRITERS
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